Monday 20 August 2012

Tale of the Exploding Potato

Owing to my imminent departure for far off lands, I have decided to start a blog.

For those that know me well you will realise what an adventure this shall be, blog writing that is - though obviously there are more grand adventures awaiting as well. Prior experience has left many doubtful of my technological capabilites. Just the other day my dad asked me, "what does your laptop run on?" To which my mind leapt immediately to 'pixie dust', followed by 'electricity'; seemingly neither were the correct answer.

I'm also wary about how much of my inane ramblings my friends and family should be subjected to, should I advertise how strangely my mind works and the odd events that shape my days? However, there have been a few requests over the past months by people urging me to keep them up to date with my upcoming travels, so a blog seems a sensible way forward.

My travels by the way are to Australia, just in case you weren't sure. I leave on the 4th of September and, after my year working as a secondary school English teacher, I am not ashamed to  admit that I picked that date so as to coincide with the start of the academic year and as a kind of childish raspberry noise to school. (Sorry any teaching folks!) The date also appeals to my sense of progression and habit as I've been marching to the tune of British academic years for  just under twenty years now.

I have no desire for this post to continue much longer, I've given a basic introduction and I just want to end by explaining a little more the title of this post and blog. I spent ages trying to come up with a witty, sensible, catchy sort of title; I even played around with literary titles and quotes, but to no avail. Coming downstairs I was greeted by my lovley mum (who I'm hoping won't mind my sharing this accidentally inspiring moment) asking me to "come look".

She had managed to make a potato explode.

There were shards, yes shards, of broken and exploded spud strewn across the oven and baking tray. The potato itself  looked like the side of a volcano with a spurt of hardened magma. I couldn't stop giggling for some time. I wish I had taken a picture.

It made me realise that it is short, odd and amusing moments like these that make up my life and make me happy They are small tales in a larger anthology. As I travel round Australia I plan to experience more tales, tales I will share via the medium of this blog.