Sunday 16 December 2012

Tales of Impending Festivity

Oh my, I really am becoming worse at this whole blogging escapade aren't I? I'd like to say it's because I'm so busy living an adventurous and exciting lifestyle...though I rather think laziness has a great deal more to do with it. That and my preference to curl up with a book and read in spare moment rather than log on to my little netbook and do some writing (or typing as the case maybe).

So I've been in Sydney for over a month now, really it's closer to two months, and the festive season is nigh. The question then is what have I been doing with myself and is it really beginning to look anything like Christmas at all?

To answer the first question, I have been doing much the same  as in my last blog. Namely exploring parts of Sydney, going out with friends and working. I'm still at Luna Park, being unbelievably perky and convincing parents that 'yes, their child is definitely that size, I won't change my mind because of safety reasons but if you really insist then we can always get another member of staff to measure them'. It's quite fun actually, I spend a fair amount of time laughing with friends in the ticket box when it's quiet or dancing around to the music if I'm out on the queue. I also have a second job with a hospitality agency, waitressing at various functions and events, the people are nice and the pay isn't bad. Hopefully with two jobs I'll be able to start saving up properly for the next leg of my adventure, whatever that may be.

Now for the latter question. Oh and I know that you, my readers, whoever you may be, haven't asked any questions but it helps give me some structure to work from when writing. Not that this seems  to be curbing my ramblings at all!

The answer is an odd mix of yes and no. I mean the shops have got their window displays up and there are Christmas trees and decorations popping up around the city, though disappointingly not in our hostel yet - something about needing to fix the mass of fairy lights on the rooftop that the wind decided to knock down first. There are Christmas promotions, Santa hats, Christmas parties, the Salvation Army out and about and we've been told we can wear Christmas hats and accessories at the theme park, but there's something missing. When you go into the city there doesn't seem to be that bustle of impatient Christmas shoppers, that mad rush with just a hint of festive urgency. Maybe it's just that Aussie's are a bit more laid back, in general they don't seem as grumpy and anti-social as people in the UK, people pass you in the street and they don't give you a glare that warns you not to so much as smile at them. It's a more relaxed vibe, even in a big city like Sydney.

Of course I guess there are a few other factors affecting the festive spirit for me. Even now at 23 I'm like a little kid at Christmas, it still holds a sparkle and magical something for me and I guess a fair bit of that has to do with being surrounded by my family. For the last five years, since I started uni, Christmas is when I come home. I see the cupboards beginning to fill with goodies, I help Dad and Sean set up the Christmas tree and then decorate it, all while Mum is at work because she doesn't 'do' the Christmas tree (a tradition I think that has been broken this year). We even have a cunning and carefully developed system for putting on the lights and a game for putting on the candy canes. It's the time of year when I help Mum wrap everyone's presents, I'm in charge of sellotape and labels, I usually write out the Christmas cards as well and deliver them to the neighbours.

Here there isn't any of that. Sure, I've sent Christmas cards, and have been very happy and surprised to receive some cards and presents in return (which I'm keeping safe till the big day itself). But it's the first time I'm not at home for Christmas, and without  trying to sound soppy, I miss everyone. Don't worry I'm not sitting here blubbing by the way, just painting a blog shaped picture. And I know that I'm not the only one that is missing their usual home shaped Christmas and nor am I the only one for whom this is the first Christmas away from the homestead. So we're pulling together here, some festive camaraderie! We're planning on a secret Santa (which will hopefully get beyond the planning stage at some point...) and we've formulated a Christmas Day plan for us all. It's the predictable beach and BBQ combo, but hey, when in Rome... So whilst I might be missing home, I'm still excited and happy for Christmas, just in a different way to usual.

Oh, and as a final note, the weather of course plays a big part in my festive mood. I think of Christmas as snow, warm fires and a time for woolly jumpers, scarves, hats and mittens...some of my favourite  items of clothing. Whereas here, well...this was December 16th:
(Yes I know my tan needs some evening out!)
My British wired brain really can't reconcile the idea of Christmas with glorious days on the beach. It's definitely a unique experience and I am truly glad to be here. (For anyone that's interested the beach above is Palm Beach a.k.a Summer Bay - where they film Home and Away).
With the big day steadily creeping closer things may only feel more weird. Anyways, time for some mango I think and then later I'm off to the Sydney Observatory for a tour of the night sky down here, there are definitely worse places to be!