Saturday 15 September 2012

A Tale of Arrival

I suppose if I set up a blog then I should get into the habit of actually writing in/on it! So here I am, in Australia!  I have survived one week here without being eaten/killed/getting lost. I haven't so much as seen a single snake, spider, koala, kangaroo or wallaby - though for the latter 3 it's  probably due to location more than anything. I have seen some interesting birds though, it's kind of odd seeing an ibis or cockatoo as commonly as a pigeon. I've even seen some little blue jellyfish.

Like this little guy, who had washed up on the beach. I felt sad for him despite my aunt informing me that they're mostly water and have no feelings.

Enough about wildlife. The flight over here was pretty good, two long flights  with a short stop over in Kuala Lumpur. The first flight was marginally better than the second as the food  was a bit better and I had a window seat, so I could easily curl up against the side and snooze without fear of cuddling up to a stranger...or having body parts slump into the aisle and be knocked by passers by, as was the circumstances  of journey two. I also got to watch Brave (not bad though not exactly the next Finding Nemo), read Atonement (I enjoyed it, though did wonder how I would have felt if I didn't know in advance how it would end), and listen to the delightful 'Of Monsters and Men' album (which I'm somewhat addicted to and think everyone should look them  up). Arriving in the evening to Brisbane was a good idea, I was able to get  to my aunt's  house, eat some food and go straight to bed; so I didn't really experience any jet lag - a timing tip for anyone that cares.

Since being here I've ventured on the buses into the various little towns and suburbs - they all kind of merge into one round here, especially along the coast. The streets all look sort of the same as well, and yes, they look like the set to Neighbours! At the same time though there are a lot of places that feel sort of American...I can't really explain why very well, but ho hum! However, I have enjoyed all the beaches, and despite the Aussie's commenting that it's only just getting warmer the weather has already prooved better than most of the British 'summer' I experienced!

So what else have I been up to I pretend to hear you ask. Well I've tried sushi for the first time, I always kind of mentally just went 'ew, raw fish', but in the spirit of this trip being about trying new things I gave it a go. Overall it was pretty good, some dishes I liked, some I didn't, but I guess that's the way of most things. Another small adventure featured my lovely auntie, her convertible, and a drive along the coast. Yes, I  really did feel like I was in a stereotypical movie shot, especially as we drove up towards the skyscraper ruled Surfers Paradise.  Which incidentally is enough I guess, but it feels strange to have so many giant buildings next to  the beach. A little like those scenes in 'Inception', only less crumbly, it just doesn't quite feel real. I prefer other, less built up bits of seafront personally.

And finally I stumbled upon a job, I was being shown around some agencies in Southport and when I walked into one they asked me if I wanted to swing by for a group interview the next day. So I did. Next thing I know I'm being asked to work at the Skilled Park stadium during the Wallabies v.s. Argentina game. It was a mad evening, I didn't really see much of the game but the atmosphere was incredible and really friendly. So I'm glad I did it, and it's helped me get to know some more people and start making some new friends.

I think that's about all there is to really report so far. Hopefully I shall encounter more strange/wonderful/exciting and new things in the coming weeks!

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